Saturday, August 15, 2009

My very own mini (and I mean mini) Farmer's Market

So, do you remember the garden I wrote about a few days ago? If you don't, I'm hurt, but my feelings can be assuaged if you go here!

--ahem-- To continue, I was driving by the mini garden on my way home from work, and I noticed that there had been an addition...a picnic table with fruits and vegetables (don't they look YUMMY!?)...and humans!! (not on the table, walking around). By the way, these pictures make me ready for FALL!!

So naturally, I stopped to see what the commotion was about. This garden (which I have watched grow up since its first little rows were planted) has been planted as a "community" garden. The man's name who planted it in his "side yard" (not the back, not the front...) is Brian. He accepts donations only for his produce and all donations go to a friend's medical bills who is suffering from Ataxia Telangiectasia. How neat is this? We have our own itsy bitsy tiny little farmer's market right in my very own very city-like neighborhood!

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